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Home » Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial Property Insurance

June 10, 2024

What Is The Difference Between Basic and Broad Commercial Property Coverage?

A business’s property is essential to its operations, so property losses can create substantial disruptions. Securing commercial property insurance is integral to a company’s risk management plan. Such insurance offers vital financial assistance to repair or replace commercial buildings, structures and their contents if they are damaged or destroyed by covered perils. Businesses have options […]
March 27, 2023

Guide To Navigating Commercial Property Claims

Introduction In the event of a catastrophic commercial property loss, the process of getting your business back up and running can be overwhelming. Although infrequent, these types of claims can severely impact operations, earnings, team members and the company’s reputation. Responding to a loss can seem daunting in the moment, especially considering the first few […]
March 8, 2023

Understanding The Basics Of Commercial Property Insurance

Your livelihood is dependent on the survival of your business, so it is imperative that you protect it against any potential threat —big or small. For instance, a fire could destroy your business’s warehouse and the contents inside, or a burst frozen pipe could damage important documents and valuable papers. Worse, you could have trouble […]
November 17, 2022

Policyholder Duties Following a Commercial Property Loss

Many commercial property policies detail duties insureds owe to their carrier following a loss. Failure to fulfill these responsibilities can potentially lead to denied claims, delayed payments and unrenewed or even canceled policies. Here are common duties most policies require insureds to uphold in the event of a loss: Notify the police if any laws […]
September 30, 2021

What are the leading causes of roof failures?

Roofing systems are more complex than meets the eye and can sustain significant damage if they are not properly updated and maintained as they age. When assessing the structural integrity of a building’s roofing, the main concern is the age of the roof itself, not the building’s age. In fact, old buildings with new roofs […]

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