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April 8, 2024

Are You Prepared For Unpredictable Spring Weather?

Spring is known for bringing severe and unpredictable weather, including snowstorms, thunderstorms, flooding, extreme temperature changes and high winds. In spring, more than one weather event can often occur in the same week or even the same day. Because of the unpredictability of weather this time of year, it can be challenging to be fully […]
April 8, 2024

Distracted Driving Awareness Month

April Is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Engaging in activities such as texting, using social media, adjusting the GPS or radio and consuming food while driving can reduce a driver’s reaction time, leading to accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving killed 3,522 people in 2021— nearly 10% of all U.S. […]
April 5, 2024

Why Home And Auto Insurance Rates Are Continuing To Rise

Thanks to an unusual convergence of market trends, ushered in by the pandemic and followed by other disruptive events, you may see a bigger change to the cost of your home and auto insurance than usual when it comes time to renew your policies this year. Insurance rates are based on what an insurer thinks […]
April 5, 2024

How to Choose Your Car Insurance Deductible

When you make a car insurance claim, you pay the deductible before coverage kicks in. Comprehensive and collision coverage (which can pay for damage to your car) typically include deductibles. In some states, uninsured/underinsured property damage and personal injury protection claims also require deducible payments. How Deductibles Affect Auto Insurance Premiums Insurers use several metrics […]
April 1, 2024

Life, Disability, Long-Term Care Insurance: The Ultimate Financial Safety Net

April is not just about showers bringing May flowers; it’s also Financial Literacy Month! And what better time to talk about something that might not sound as exciting as cryptocurrency or NFTs but is equally important: insurance! Yup, we’re diving into the world of life, disability, and long-term care insurance. Hold onto your avocado toast, […]
March 27, 2024

Why Do Small Businesses Need Business Interruption Insurance?

Small businesses regularly face several risks that could necessitate a temporary shutdown or reduction of operations, both of which can have devastating effects on a business. One way businesses can protect themselves from the financial impacts of these occurrences is by securing business interruption insurance. This type of coverage can offer valuable assistance following a […]
March 25, 2024

5 Common Cybersecurity Myths Debunked

A recent study by Accenture, an international IT services and consulting company, found that 43% of all cyberattacks target small businesses. With this in mind, it’s clear that cybersecurity measures are necessary for organizations of all sizes. Cybersecurity consists of strategies implemented to help protect organizations from cyberattacks and related losses. Such defense has become […]
March 21, 2024

What Are Insurance Coverage Exclusions?

Insurance policies are very commonplace. Chances are most people you know have at least a homeowners or auto insurance policy—many have both. Beyond these, other popular offerings include life insurance, dental insurance and health insurance. Insurance is designed to help pay for losses you experience. For example, homeowners insurance may help pay for a broken […]
March 18, 2024

Are You Prepared For A Flood?

March is National Flood Awareness Month, and it’s the perfect time to make sure you’re prepared for a flood. Flash floods can occur within minutes or hours of excessive rainfall, a dam or levee failure, or a sudden release of water held by an ice jam. Overland flooding, the most common type of flooding event, […]
March 15, 2024

How To Protect Vacant Business Properties

Vacant buildings both face and pose several unique risks that must be addressed by property owners to safeguard their properties. These risks include elevated exposure to criminal activities, water damage, maintenance concerns, fire hazards, pest infestation and environmental risks. If a commercial property stays vacant for any period, it’s crucial to protect the investment and […]

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