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June 30, 2021

Factors That Affect Your Home Insurance Premiums

Home insurance coverage can differ from policy to policy depending on a multitude of factors. Being aware of these factors that affect your premium can ensure that you are appropriately covered.   Your Personal Information Your credit history, claims history and marital status can all contribute to your premium costs:  Credit history—In most cases insurance […]
June 29, 2021

Life Events that Affect Your Insurance Needs

As we age and reach different milestones in our lives, our insurance needs change. In order to ensure adequate coverage, contact us today if you’re affected by any of the following life events: New home ownership— Purchasing a new home is a big investment—one that you will want to protect. After purchasing a home, ensure […]
June 27, 2021

Understanding Your Insurance Policy

We understand that you might not be interested in reading the fine print of your insurance policy. But since an insurance policy is a legal contract between the insured—you or the entity being insured—and the insurer, it’s important for you to understand policy basics. Reading your policy helps you verify that the policy meets your […]
June 21, 2021

Workers Comp Insights – Subrogation Explained

As an employer, you do everything you can to promote a safe organization and protect employees from occupational illnesses and injuries, thus minimizing potential workers’ compensation claims. Nevertheless, the risk of an employee experiencing a work-related illness or injury due to the fault of a third party—whether it’s another organization, a contractor or a member […]
June 14, 2021

Working Safely as Temperatures Rise

Rising summer temperatures make the probability of hazardous heat exposure a real threat for many workers. In fact, there are more than 1,300 deaths in the United States each year due to extreme heat exposure, per the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Thousands of workers face potential dangers from overexposure to heat—even those who primarily work […]
June 9, 2021

Why Do You Need Personal Umbrella Liability Insurance?

After a hectic work week, Jim Marshall was looking forward to a relaxing weekend with his wife and kids. He was just a few blocks from home when his cellphone rang. He glanced down to see who was calling. That split-second distraction was all it took for him to miss the approaching stop sign. Jim […]
May 23, 2021

National Safe Boating Week – May 22-28

Its National Safe Boating Week—which is scheduled for May 22-28 this year—encourages boaters to maintain reliable vessels and follow responsible boating practices. After all, lacking proper boating precautions can increase the risk of accidents occurring on the water.   In fact, according to the U.S. Coast Guard, over 4,000 boating accidents happen annually— contributing to […]
May 18, 2021

Skin Cancer and You

One in 5 Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetime. That makes skin cancer the most common cancer in the United States. Fortunately, skin cancer is highly preventable by avoiding excessive sun exposure. May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month, but sun protection is important year-round. Here are a few tips to protect […]
May 11, 2021

Time to Prepare: National Hurricane Preparedness Week

National Hurricane Preparedness Week, which is May 9-15 this year, encourages individuals to evaluate their personal hurricane risks and implement measures to keep themselves and their homes protected during a hurricane. Hurricanes have become an increasingly prevalent concern throughout many Southern states and along much of the East Coast. In fact, the National Oceanic and […]
May 5, 2021

Self-care and Your Mental Health

More than half of adults in the United States will experience mental illness—which refers to a variety of conditions that affect one’s mood, behavior, feelings or thinking—at some point in their life. Mental illnesses can occur occasionally, while others are chronic. Common mental illnesses include anxiety, depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Mental Health Awareness Month, […]

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