June 12, 2023
AgencyHow To Avoid Underinsuring Your Home
Your home is one of your greatest assets and a significant long-term investment. As such, it’s vital to protect your home and its contents with adequate homeowners insurance. Nevertheless, recent research found that many homeowners lack proper coverage. In fact, nearly 2 out of every 3 homes in America are underinsured—which means that the home […]
June 7, 2023
AgencyThe Importance of Prompt Incident Reporting For Small Businesses
Businesses should take every incident that could result in a claim seriously, no matter how minor the event may seem. For example, if a patron slips and falls but appears unharmed, they could still file a claim several weeks later for injuries that may not have been immediately apparent. If a business failed to promptly […]
June 4, 2023
AgencyTrailer Safety Week
Its Trailer Safety Week! Towing can be a convenient way to transport a variety of items, from boats to RVs to construction equipment. However, towing involves the interaction of several components, including the driver, tow vehicle and trailer, each affecting the combination’s safety. With that in mind, here are some tips to help make your […]
May 30, 2023
AgencyUsage-Based Insurance and You
As a result of increasing auto insurance premiums, consumers are showing interest in usage-based insurance (UBI) options. According to the J.D. Power 2023 U.S. Insurance Shopping Study, 22% of insurance shoppers were offered a UBI option and 18% purchased it. UBI uses telematics software to monitor driving habits. The insurer assigns rates based on safety […]
May 24, 2023
Agency10 Essential Cybersecurity Controls Every Business Should Implement
Cyber incidents—including data breaches, ransomware attacks and social engineering scams—have become increasingly prevalent, impacting organizations of all sizes and industries. As such, here are 10 essential cybersecurity controls that organizations can implement to help manage their cyber exposures: Multifactor authentication (MFA)—While complex passwords can help deter cybercriminals, they can still be cracked. MFA can help […]
May 22, 2023
AgencyWhy Nonprofits Need Cyber Liability Insurance
Cybersecurity risks are becoming increasingly severe, targeted and frequent across all sectors. However, nonprofits are particularly at risk since many organizations don’t have the funding to implement adequate cybersecurity protocols. In addition, nonprofits often collect and store highly valuable information about their clients, donors and employees, making them a prime target for cybercriminals. The shift […]
May 17, 2023
AgencyProtect Your Home From Wildfires
Wildfires can devastate communities—destroying thousands of homes each year. Nevertheless, there are steps you can take to help protect your home from wildfires. Keep it clean. Routinely clean your roof, gutters and surrounding property of any fallen branches, leaves or dead vegetation, as these materials can fuel a wildfire. Regularly mow your lawn and prune […]
May 15, 2023
AgencyDisability Insurance: For Anyone Who Works
What would you say is your biggest asset? You might think it’s your car, home or maybe your investment portfolio. In reality, it’s likely your ability to work and earn an income. So, what would happen if due to an illness or injury you were unable to work? How long would you be OK before […]
May 10, 2023
AgencyHow To Avoid Contractor Scams Following Storm Damage
Homeowners may have to manage significant losses and complicated processes after a significant weather event. While trying to get back on their feet and return to a sense of normalcy as quickly as possible may be tempting, it’s essential to be thorough and diligent in navigating the recovery process. Unfortunately, some parties may seek to […]
May 8, 2023
AgencyMay Is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month
May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. This annual campaign is held each spring by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to promote safe driving and riding practices to reduce the number of fatalities and injuries on the roadways. Motorcyclists are about 28 times more likely to die in traffic crashes than passenger vehicle occupants. […]