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Home » Considerations When Renting an Electric Scooter
September 16, 2024

Considerations When Renting an Electric Scooter

Electric scooters have surged in popularity in recent years, providing a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation. If you’re considering renting an electric scooter, keep some important safety and insurance considerations in mind.

Before Riding

  • Inspect the scooter for any defects or malfunctions.
  • Always wear a helmet for maximum protection, even if it’s not required by law in your area.
  • Use lights and reflective gear to enhance your visibility, especially at night.

While Riding

  • Expect pedestrians, cyclists and other vehicles to not see you, as scooters are silent and small.
  • Follow local traffic regulations and be mindful of pedestrian zones.
  • Watch for uneven surfaces and cracks in the road or sidewalk.
  • Do not make unpredictable or abrupt movements while riding.
  • Always keep both hands on the handlebars.
  • Ride with only one person per scooter.
  • Use the company’s app to report signs of damage or issues with the scooter.

E-Scooters and Insurance

Review the rental company’s user agreement to understand your financial responsibilities and insurance coverage.

  • Scooter damage—You might be financially responsible for repairs if the scooter is damaged, excluding normal wear and tear.
  • Medical expenses—If you’re injured, you may need to cover your medical bills out of pocket, although health insurance may help.
  • Liability coverage—If you injure someone or damage property, you could be liable for the associated costs.

Categories: Blog

Tags: Scooter Insurance

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