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February 26, 2024

How To Prevent Formjacking Cyber Threats

Mitigating the Risk of Formjacking As businesses increasingly rely on online transactions, cybercriminals have developed a scheme known as formjacking to steal sensitive data. Formjacking poses significant risks to businesses, as it is difficult to stop and can lead to major financial losses and reputational damage. This article provides more information on formjacking and offers […]
February 21, 2024

What To Do After A Car Accident

    Car accidents can be frightening, and dealing with the aftermath may seem confusing. Here are the basic steps to follow after a car accident. Look for injuries. Inspect yourself and any passengers for injuries. Avoid moving anyone who is seriously injured (yourself included). Call 911 right away or ask a bystander to call […]
February 19, 2024

Workers Comp: Return-To-Work Programs

Types of Transitional Duties in Return-to-Work Programs When an employee experiences an occupational illness or injury, their eventual return to the workplace can create considerable challenges, putting significant stress on both the individual and their employer. Nevertheless, return-to-work (RTW) programs can help alleviate these concerns by supporting staff as they reintegrate into the workforce. These […]
February 15, 2024

Auto Insurance: What Is Personal Injury Protection Coverage?

Personal injury protection (PIP) is a type of auto coverage that can help pay for your medical bills and passengers’ medical bills if you’re in a vehicular accident, regardless of fault. In some states, PIP can even offer coverage if you’re injured by a vehicle as a pedestrian, cyclist, or passenger involved in an accident. […]
February 12, 2024

Cyber Liability: Deepfakes Explained

Deepfakes refer to sophisticated forgeries of an image, video or audio recording. Deepfakes have been around for years—you can even find a version of them in social media applications. For instance, with Snapchat, face-changing filters take real-time data and feed it through an algorithm to produce a synthetic image. However, as the technology has evolved, […]
February 7, 2024

Check Your Insurance Coverage Amid Storm Season

Adverse weather, such as high winds, heavy rain, hail and tornadoes, can cause extensive damage to homes and vehicles. Therefore, homeowners and drivers like you need appropriate insurance coverage, including policies and endorsements designed to provide financial protection against storm damage. Common Home Insurance Coverage Gaps Many homeowners don’t fully understand how coverage gaps can […]
January 31, 2024

Tips for Home Insurance Buyers in 2024

While most significant factors, such as weather conditions, climate change and economic inflation, are out of the control of homeowners, policyholders must still consider steps they can take to mitigate rising premiums and find any potential savings that may be available. Retaining adequate insurance protection is vital for financial security, even during difficult times. Consider […]
January 29, 2024

At What Age Do Car Insurance Rates Decrease?

Car insurance rates typically decrease as drivers get older, with the most significant decrease occurring between 18 and 19. This decline in premiums is due to insurance companies’ perceived risk reduction between theses ages. How Inexperienced Drivers Can Lower Car Insurance Premiums For young drivers, staying on a parent’s insurance policy can result in lower […]
January 22, 2024

Does Your Business Need Product Guarantee Insurance?

Does Your Business Need Product Guarantee Insurance? Many businesses face risks related to their product’s performance, and claims in this area can have significant and far-reaching consequences. Product guarantee insurance can be an integral part of a company’s insurance portfolio, as it may offer valuable protection against allegations that a business’s product failed to meet […]
January 18, 2024

Don’t Make These Home Insurance Claims Mistakes

Navigating the intricate landscape of home insurance claims can be daunting, and avoiding common mistakes is crucial to ensuring a smooth and successful process. Whether you’re a first-time homeowner or a seasoned one, understanding the pitfalls to avoid can make a significant difference in the outcome of your claim. The following are the most common […]

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