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May 2, 2024

Does My Business Need Equipment Breakdown Insurance?

If your business depends on functioning equipment to operate and maintain revenue, a breakdown could be devastating. The threat of breakdown is increasingly prevalent because technologically advanced equipment tends to be sensitive and fragile, and can easily sustain damage that causes breakdowns. And the losses sustained continue to increase with the rise of just-in-time manufacturing, […]
April 29, 2024

Can Home and Renters Insurance Cover Incidents Involving Your Pets?

Even the most docile or well-behaved pets could be startled by an unknown party, such as a guest, neighbor or passerby, potentially causing them to lash out or react unexpectedly. Fortunately, the liability coverage portions of many home and renters insurance policies can include incidents involving your pets, such as the following: Injuries—If your pet […]
April 25, 2024

6 Reasons Why Life Insurance Matters

Life insurance can offer numerous benefits to individuals and their families. Below are some key advantages: Financial security for loved ones—Life insurance offers financial protection for families. If a policyholder passes away during the policy term, their beneficiaries can receive a death benefit, which may help cover expenses such as funeral costs, outstanding debts, and […]
April 22, 2024

If a Tree Falls, Who Pays?

Every year, storms are responsible for felling countless trees and limbs. Unfortunately, some of those fallen trees damage homes and other property. Cleaning up the damage from a storm can be a difficult task, both physically and emotionally, and things can become especially tense when you discover that it’s your neighbor’s tree that damaged your […]
April 17, 2024

What Are Common Commercial General Liability Insurance Policy Exclusions

Commercial general liability (CGL) insurance is an essential form of coverage for any organization. Such a policy can provide much-needed financial protection if an organization is held liable for injuring third parties or damaging their property amid nonprofessional negligent acts or in the course of its usual business operations. This type of insurance may also […]
April 15, 2024

Why It Can Pay to Have Uninsured Motorist Insurance

Car insurance is a vital safeguard for drivers that is often legally required by states. Specifically, auto liability insurance (a standard component of a car insurance policy) can help pay for damages you cause to others in an accident, saving you from costly out-of-pocket expenses. For example, if you rear-end another car, your liability coverage […]
April 8, 2024

Stress Awareness Month

April is Stress Awareness Month, a time to recognize the negative impacts of stress. While it may be impossible to eliminate every stressor in your life, there are plenty of ways to reduce their effects on your life. Consider the following tactics to keep stress at bay: Plan and prioritize your most important responsibilities. Limit […]
April 8, 2024

Are You Prepared For Unpredictable Spring Weather?

Spring is known for bringing severe and unpredictable weather, including snowstorms, thunderstorms, flooding, extreme temperature changes and high winds. In spring, more than one weather event can often occur in the same week or even the same day. Because of the unpredictability of weather this time of year, it can be challenging to be fully […]
April 8, 2024

Distracted Driving Awareness Month

April Is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Engaging in activities such as texting, using social media, adjusting the GPS or radio and consuming food while driving can reduce a driver’s reaction time, leading to accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving killed 3,522 people in 2021— nearly 10% of all U.S. […]
April 5, 2024

How to Choose Your Car Insurance Deductible

When you make a car insurance claim, you pay the deductible before coverage kicks in. Comprehensive and collision coverage (which can pay for damage to your car) typically include deductibles. In some states, uninsured/underinsured property damage and personal injury protection claims also require deducible payments. How Deductibles Affect Auto Insurance Premiums Insurers use several metrics […]

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