How To Prevent Formjacking Cyber Threats
Mitigating the Risk of Formjacking
As businesses increasingly rely on online transactions, cybercriminals have developed a scheme known as formjacking to steal sensitive data. Formjacking poses significant risks to businesses, as it is difficult to stop and can lead to major financial losses and reputational damage. This article provides more information on formjacking and offers tips on how to prevent it.
What Is Formjacking?
Formjacking is a cyberattack in which a threat actor injects malicious JavaScript into a website, often one that contains an online payment form. Once the targeted page has been compromised, the added code permits the hacker to collect sensitive data, such as credit card numbers, addresses and phone numbers. This data is sent to the cyberattacker’s domain after unsuspecting users enter their information and click “submit” to complete a transaction. Malicious actors can then use the stolen data in identity theft schemes, payment card fraud scams and account takeover attacks, or they can sell it to other criminals. Stolen information can also be used to create fraudulent accounts to distribute malware.
Formjacking attacks can have significant financial consequences, including costly lawsuits, fines, fees and penalties, as well as expenses related to remediation. Moreover, formjacking attacks can damage a company’s reputation.
Preventing Formjacking
Formjacking is challenging to detect because the malicious code frequently changes, making it difficult for external scanners and firewalls to catch it. Additionally, there are no apparent signs of formjacking, and the intended transaction is not affected, making it hard to identify and stop the scam. However, there are still several measures businesses can take to identify potential issues and reduce the risk of formjacking from occurring. Consider the following strategies:
- Practice good cyber hygiene by keeping software, patches and extensions up to date. Establishing a content security policy and using firewalls and subresource integrity tags can also help prevent the injection of malicious data onto business websites and protect data. Additionally, complying with security standards and educating IT staff on the threats of formjacking are essential.
- Utilize cyberdefense techniques, such as obfuscating JavaScript, which can make code harder for cyberattackers to understand. Additionally, implementing network segmentation can limit network exposures and malicious actors’ lateral movement capabilities. An intrusion detection and prevention system can also help monitor potential threats and identify cyber intruders.
- Implement ongoing cybersecurity measures, such as thoroughly testing websites before they are publicly launched, executing penetration testing to discover weaknesses, and monitoring the supply chain to ensure vendors whose code is being used follow cybersecurity best practices.
- Scan and audit website code regularly to check its integrity. Monitoring and analyzing web logs and JavaScript behavior can help detect malicious activity, and examining where a browser is sending data is key in stopping formjacking attacks.
Layering defenses can reduce a business’s vulnerability. In addition, companies should consider utilizing artificial intelligence to help detect suspicious behavior.
Formjacking is a cyberthreat that can significantly impact a business’s finances, operations and reputation. Because of this, companies should take steps to prevent it.
Contact us today if you’re ready to protect your business from cyber threats with cyber liability insurance.
A cybercriminal’s malicious code in a formjacking attack may be loaded through various methods, such as by exploiting a vulnerability in a business’s website, employing a phishing scam in which the hacker gains access to a company’s checkout page, or compromising a third party’s app or JavaScript used by a business.
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Tags: Cyber Liability